My father in the late '60s, predicting the size cable [Big Ass BA-613] it would take to handle the terrifying volume of Getaway Driver fan calls.
Somehow he knew even then that his wee daughter (at the time refusing to walk for reasons never determined) would overcome her initial trepidation of The Big Scary World and join a Big Famous Rock Band.
And thus and for that express purpose was the BA-613 designed, only NOW to be hastily deployed on its maiden mission of responding to the post-WORT Block Party 2006 Getaway Fan Invasion.
All wiring jokes aside, tons of people came up to me yesterday raving about our show. And they weren't even relatives!!!! Well, I spose they were SOMEbody's relatives.
Through the BA-613 the misunderestimated linguist hath said.
[Stealing it one more time, Stevie.]
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