join us in celebrating the comforting return to the daily grind after another horrid and distasteful three day weekend! but bring your own hot dogs.
posted by the cellist @ 10:09 PM 10 comments
Seeleah said...
SWEET lil' poster - hold them up to a window and they GLOW! Too cool.
- the cellist said...
except i got the address of the venue wrong! Its REALLY 701 E Washington Ave if it makes a difference to anybody!
- Seeleah said...
'Tis okay, you're only a postman :)
Says the foul-spoken linguist.
- Seeleah said...
For it is written: "Let the postman, if he be also the cellist, change the address of an edifice at the time and place of his damn choosing, as it be his perogative; and let no man, nor maiden, nor manservant nor stranger within the gates cast him asunder, for sundering a postman sorely vexeth the Lord thy God, and his Wrath shall be upon the heads of the Sunderers."
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