"Too thin to plow, too thick to drink," he said.
"But we'll drink it anyway."
I wept because when I was twelve years old I had stood on a snowy riverbank as he became a shadow on the ice and waited to see whether he would slip between the cracking floes into the water.
posted by the cellist @ 10:24 PM 1 comments
- Seeleah said...
WOW, I remember that dress!! You know, that morning I's thinking those damn stripey socks just weren't gonna cut it but I says to myeslf "Aw what the heck, it's RADIO for God's sake!"
COTTON-PICKIN' paparazzi photographers - who knew.
Agghh, those socks--my sartorial shame immortalized for all of history. It's a DAMN good thing the music rocked.
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