E-Man formulates the Master Plan.
First order of business: Beer. Canadian. Now.

Sean Michael Dargan
Thurberfest 2007
into official existence.
Unable to resist the call of the pipes, hordes of Irishmen storm the stage, led by Paul Martens, Kevin Wissink & Craig Heilman.
Larkin (including guitarist Tom Blain whose generous donation of time, sound equipment and audio engineer is now a thing of legend!) fires up the crowd with an excellent set.

Now it's time for rock and ROLL, baby!! Madi soundchecks the drums, and...
Gail and Ash start the beat, The Getaway Drivers take the stage, and the crowd goes WILD!!
Barbarita & Kenworth
rip it UP.
''Keep your hotel flowers...''
It was a long day for The Cellist.
Thurberfest 2007 winds down with a beautiful and mesmerizing performance by our good friends & colleagues, subvocal.
That's all she wrote!
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